How to Stake in Vaults
Go to the Vault page here.
Stake LP
Select the vault you wish to stake.
2. Click 'Approve Contract'.
3. Click 'Stake LP' and enter the amount of LP, then click 'Confirm'. Make sure you have the correct LP from other platforms in advance.
4. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
5. Done! You can click 'View on BscScan' to see your transaction details.
Unstake LP
Select the vault you wish to unstake.
2. Click '- (Unstake LP)' and enter the amount of LP, then click 'Confirm'.
3. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
4. Done! You can click 'View on BscScan' to see your transaction details.
Select the vault you wish to harvest.
2. Click 'Harvest'.
3. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Last updated