How to Stake in NFB Pools

Go to the Pools page here.

Stake NFB

1.Find the dashboard on the page.

2.Click 'Enable'.

3.Click 'Stake' and enter the amount of NFB, then click 'Confirm'. (The max stake quantity is limited to 100 each time.)

4.Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

5.Done! You can click 'View on BscScan' to see your transaction details.

Unstake NFB

1.Find the dashboard on the page.

2.Click '-(Unstake)' and enter the amount of token, then click 'Confirm'

3.Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

4.Done! You can click 'View on BscScan' to see your transaction details.


1.Find the dashboard on the page.

2.Click 'Collect'.

3.Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

4.Done! You can click 'View on BscScan' to see your transaction details.

Last updated