
We are consistently and actively pursuing continual auditing to make sure BabySwap remains a safe and reliable platform for all of our babies. We believe it's firm to have innovations step by step, thus, for every new contract and service we are going to launch, CertiK will handle the audit before our deployment.

BabySwap on CertiK - https://www.certik.org/projects/babyswap

All the detailed audit reports will be updated here.

Feature: Tokenomics V2

Feature: Baby Wonderland

Feature: Smart Router

Feature: NFT Market

Feature: vBABY

Feature: Hold

Feature: Auto BABY Pool

Feature: IDO

Feature: Bottle

Feature: NFB Pool

Feature: Burn

Feature: Timelock

Features: Swap, Liquidity, Farm, Pool, Trade Mining, ILO

We also work with PeckShield to have a second audit of all features.

BabySwap on PeckShield -

Last updated